Welcome to European Flood Control GmbH
We are the European division of International Flood Control Corp, a part of the US Flood Control Corp. The Corporation is based in north America, but has offices all over the globe and is the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of the Tiger Dam System – the alternative choice for a sandbag flood defence and more cost-effective!
The Tiger Dam can be build up quickly and without any expert knowledge. It has a length of 15 meters if fulfilled with water and sizes 0,5 meters in height. If a higher defence is needed, you can build up the Tiger Dams as a pyramid to expand the defence level. Furthermore it can be used more than once, which sustainable protects our environment, what sandbags cant afford.
Tiger Dams are less expensive than the conventional use of sandbags. On average aid organisations charge a minimum of 2 € per sandbag. With an economisation of 550 sandbags by the use of Tiger Dams costs of 1.100 € would occur for the application of sandbags, exclusive transport costs.
And in addition Tiger Dam tubes afford a lot more. Besides the versatile applicability not only at flood protection, but also in case of dangerous goods and retention and disposal of contaminated fire water Tiger Dams are the all-round solution. And this multiple times. Sandbags often have to be declared as hazardous waste after one use and must be disposed expensively. Tiger Dams instead are easy to clean and therefore reusable.
We don’t avoid a comparison. We would be glad to show you the system on the spot and convince you of the advantages of the Tiger Dam tubes.